søndag 29. november 2009

Case 10: Win and lose

Yees. The final case :D
It was time to wrap things up and try to finish the game. In the final case the task was to make win screen, lose screen and with the possibility to start a new game.

I made some final touches to my game nad removed some bugs, then I used the rest of my time to make a start menu, lose screen and win screen. i also made a scorefield that shows the score depending on howw much time you use, how many coffeecups you drink and how much coffeeshock you have when you cet to goal.

Now all that is left is to try and finish things and write the final report.

case 9:Soound

This was probably one of the easiest cases. adding sound to the game needed almost no programming. so I found som nice sounds that I had on my computer and used them as jumpingsound and collectringsound. I also used a web site with free sounds. all hte sounds that i dawnloaded i edited in Sound Booth to make them as good as possible for my game. the weg page i used was: http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/.

I used some time during this case to make the background better, changing some of the animations on the character and making some traps for the character. I also made some death animations and added sound for them.

I also made a new coffeemeter, using scaling in stead of animations, so that the level of coffee gradually goes up and down.

Case 8: Timer and array

In this case the task was to make some objects for the main character to pick up, and something that he must avoid. It was also one of the tasks to make a timer.

I wanted my character to pick up coffeecups, and make a coffeemeter that shows how much coffee the main character has drunk. First i had to learn how to use arrays, and as soon I figured that out it was pretty simple to make several coffeecups on the stage for the main character to pick up.
The next step was to make the coffeemeter. first I animated the coffee meter. I made the coffee meter with five levels, from empty to full.

Then it was about time to make a timer. iIwanted to try and make the timer in a own as-document since i naver had dome that before. It was pretty hard because it was a totally new way of doing things. So it would in my case have been much easier to make the timer in the same document as everything else. Ofcource it is practical to use several documets to get more system into it, but I dont think i will bother using more documets in this game. the main document and the timer documet is enough. maybe next time ;p

I have learned a lot in this case. the most important thing I learned was hoe to use arrays. I am sure that I will use arrays a lot.
I have also learned how to use the timerEvent. It was alot easier to use then to make a own frame timer.

the game so far

søndag 1. november 2009

Case 7: Enemy

Now it was about time to make the game a bit harder for the player. In this case I had to make a enemy for my game. The enemy was supposed to be "intelligent" so that it always will othe main character.

This awas a pretty easy case, so I have focused on making my background better, and adding some new animations to my main character. I have added a sleep animation and jumping while tired.
I have also added coffeecups to the game. So if you take the coffeecup the character will get a coffeeshock. I only have two different stages on the coffeeshock yet. It is supposed to move slower or faster depending on how full the coffeemeter is.

The enemy is pretty simple at the time. It is just a big red round thing trying to eat you. I have made a invisible box around the enemy so that if the character touches the box the enemy will change animation.

I will update the game on a regular basic.

Case 6: The story behind CoofeeShock, and the game idea.

We have all experienced getting up early in the morning, tired and in need of a good cup of coffee to have the chance to get to school. In my game you start at home, you dont have a car or bike and you are late for school. And on top of all that, you are barely capable of walking. Fortunately you can pick up cups of coffee on the way to make you more awake. but to much coffee is not allways good. if you drink too much coffee the character will get a coffeeshock and will be much harder to control, and if you dont drink enough coffee, you will fall asleep. so you have to try and keep the coffee on a moderate level. Sometimes you will have to have a coffeeshock to get past an obstacle, and other times it will be impossable with a coffeeshock.
Ofcourse, controlling the coffee consuming is not the only obstacle in the game. On the way to the school you will meet many different things that will try to stop you from getting to school.

The game is based on a common problem.
The level is supposed to be from a farm outside Hamar and all the way into Hamar city and to the school.

picture from the game as it is so far